So that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind… Ephesians 4:14

Steve is available to speak and preach in the New Jersey, Philadelphia, and New York area.

Evangelism & Apologetics
Don’t Have a Debate, Have a Discussion: How to Share and Defend Your Faith With Grace and Truth
The Cosmological Argument: How the Beginning of the Universe Points to the Biblical Creator
Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ
The Problem(s) of Evil & Suffering: A Biblically-Focused & Pastoral Response
A Street Level Guide to the Morality Debate (Is morality relative? Does morality point to God?)
Miracles: Signs of Wonder or Signs of Gullibility?
Immaterial Me! The Case for the Soul
Christian Theology
The Big Picture: How to Read & Understand the Whole Bible
Wrapping Your Head Around The Trinity
Wrapping Your Head Around Christ’s Dual Nature: Both Fully Human & Fully Divine
A History of Protestant Denominations (& a Few Cults): The Good, Bad & the Ugly
Old Testament
The Canaanites: Genocide or Judgement?
The Messianic Prophecies
​Making Sense of Slavery in the Old Testament
New Testament
The New Testament Vs. the Telephone Game (Has the New Testament Been Corrupted Over Time?)
The New Testament Canon: Did the Right Books Make It In?
Differences Between the 4 Gospels: Contradictions or Confirmation of the Truth?
Making Sense of Slavery in the New Testament
Other Faiths
Identifying & Responding to Christian “Cults”: What’s the Difference Between a Denomination and a Cult?
Mormonism: History, Theology & Christian Response
The Islamic Jesus and the Problem of the Muslim Sources
Controversial Cultural Issues
Is Christianity “the White Man’s Religion”?
​Analyzing the Debate: Women in Ministry