So that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind… Ephesians 4:14

Discussing Morality with Steve DiSebastian — The Underground Sessions Podcast
I was invited onto the Underground Sessions to discuss morality. Where do we find morality? Where does it come from? Is there morality in a universe without a God? Do we need God for morality?
Jesus in an Age of Misinformation with Steve DiSebastian — The Underground Sessions Podcast
I was invited to be a guest on the Underground Sessions Podcast to discuss my book Reintroducing Jesus. We cover a range of topics, including contemporary challenges to Christianity, my college ministry, and my conversion from skeptic to Jesus-follower.
Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Video #1 - R.C. Utah Trip
Learn about the 2020 Ratio Christi immersive mission trip to Utah in this introduction to our Mormonism video series. (4:57)
Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Video #3 - Scripture
Introduction to Mormon scripture. (4:01)
Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Video #5 - Responding
How can Christians best reach & respond to their Mormon friends and neighbors? (13:20)
Immaterial Me! The Case For the Soul
Is there an aspect of me that is immaterial? Is there a difference between mind, soul, and spirit? Or am I just my brain? How do atheists explain away the evidence for consciousness? And how do we make a case for our immaterial selves to those who believe we are only physical? How we answer these questions have profound effect on how we understand ourselves and our wholeness. Given at the Christian Herbalist Guild's 2024 online conference.
Don't Have a Debate, Have a Discussion
Sharing your faith can be difficult, especially in these contentious times. Learn to use a simple technique of asking questions to create spiritual conversations while defusing heated debates.
Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Video #2 - History
Overview of Mormon origins and history. (8:23)
Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Video #4 - Theology
A look into key Mormon beliefs. (13:41)
Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Video #6 -
What Joseph Smith a Prophet?
Was the founder of Mormonism a prophet? I give three big reasons why he wasn't. (16:20)